BOQAO's accreditation is recognized worldwide as the highest standart of quality. BOQAO-accredited schools are traiblazers in teaching, research, and societal impact.
BOQAO's accreditation boosts student enrollment in business programs.
BOQAO's accreditation strongly contributes to a business school's ability to survive in a highly-competitive environment. Schools take the opportunity to refine their missions, target markets, and strategies to stand out from the crowd.
At the intersection of businesses and business education, BOQAO's Business Education Alliance is shaping the next generation of great leaders. Committed to advancing how business education is taught, we strive to make a lasting, positive impact on society.
Composed of a diverse group of educators and industry leaders from all over the world, members of the BOQAO Alliance are empowered to build relationships through collaboration and knowledge sharing. Join the movement of collective strength and connected wisdom.